Bridging the missing link in the DeFi space.

The Fund and its partners have noticed a sizable missing link in the DeFi space regarding both its ethical and equitable exchange functionality. The team of advisors and partners within The Fund are innovators in the crypto space who fund and provide oversight for projects that have passed a rigorous vetting process in exchange for an equity stake in that project. 

For investors

Our Outlook

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is revolutionizing traditional financial systems through blockchain technology, creating permissionless financial services without intermediaries. Amidst the rapid evolution of the DeFi landscape, there’s an urgent call for ethical dApps (decentralized applications) that champion transparency, security, and equitable distribution of returns. Investing in equity stakes in such dApps allows us to be a part of this ethical transformation and ensures fair returns for stakeholders. 

Investment Rationale

Potential for Equitable Returns

Ethical DeFi dApps, with their emphasis on fair wealth distribution, are poised to provide investors with equitable returns, ensuring that stakeholders at all levels benefit.

Growth Trajectory

The DeFi sector has shown significant growth, with the potential for well-chosen dApps to offer competitive returns as the industry continues to evolve

Ethical Leadership

By prioritizing dApps that hold to high ethical standards, we position ourselves as leaders in promoting transparent, responsible, and fair DeFi practices.

Regulatory Alignment

Ethical dApps are more likely to be in line with upcoming regulations, offering protection against potential legal challenges and ensuring long-term viability.

Supporting a Better Financial System

Investing in ethical DeFi dApps helps in fostering a decentralized ecosystem where finances are transparent, accessible, and equitable.

Key Considerations

  • Risk Assessment

    The DeFi space, while promising, is also rife with risks, ranging from smart contract flaws to market volatility. A comprehensive risk assessment is imperative.

  • Robust Due Diligence

    It's essential to rigorously vet potential dApps, analyzing their development teams, codebase integrity, governance models, and community engagement.

  • Liquidity Aspects

    Investments in early-stage dApps might not offer immediate liquidity, necessitating a longer-term perspective to realize optimal returns.

  • Competitive Analysis

    Given the influx of dApps in the DeFi sector, understanding each dApp's unique value proposition and its position in the market is crucial.

  • Projected Outcomes

  • Ethical Impact

    By strategically investing in ethical dApps, we drive the industry towards more transparent, fair, and responsible practices.

  • Return on Investment

    Backing projects that prioritize equitable wealth distribution ensures a fair share of profits as the platform grows and becomes more adopted.

  • Enhanced Repuation

    Associating with ethical DeFi initiatives bolsters our reputation as socially responsible investors, attracting like-minded partners and stakeholders.

Investing in equity stakes in ethical DeFi dApps is more than just financial participation; it’s about shaping a future where financial systems are transparent, secure, and equitable. By aligning with such initiatives, we not only pave the way for potentially significant financial returns but also play a pivotal role in redefining the ethos of the decentralized financial world.

Let’s build a future together